"The art of success is to have the best possible knowledge."
This quote is true in your personal life and your professional life elsewhere. Of course, it is not enough to be with the best, to get better, but it contributes greatly and you will surely save a lot of time.
But before you choose your example, your mentor, you must first make sure it has the same values as you. This is vital!
For example, the busniess community and more specifically the lawyers. This is in my opinion one of the best examples. You are a young lawyer, who wishes to progress quickly and have a good career, defending the rights of environmentalists and their shares in favor of the environment. It is logical that you would not choose a mentor who is in favor of mass agriculture and in favor of big agribusniess mass, right?
You know what I mean?
Choose a mentor, yes! But a mentor in relation to its values.
But ultimately why choose one?
Explanations ...
I. You will save a lot of time ...
Being accompanied by a mentor or a success, you'll avoid wasting many hours, weeks or months of unnecessary work. Indeed, every beginner makes mistakes, it's normal and human.
This is also how you learn. But if you have someone from the beginning to guide you, and that is probably going through the same mistakes in the beginning, it will guide you in the right direction directly.
To clarify my point, I'll take my personal example.
When I started on the web - even though I was from a training in marketing on the internet - I did not want to integrate or MasterMind group formations "French web marketing gurus" in the long term . I am content to follow some training right and left. The problem is that I had no follow-up and I was often left to myself.
So I committed a lot of errors, especially in referencing my first site, which are difficult to catch up later.
This is why having a mentor, someone who takes us under his wing, will allow you to go in the right way from the beginning, so to save time, whatever your project.
II. ... And you save money!
"But I do not understand, it's the opposite, training with a mentor, it costs an arm! "
It is often that all beginners say, and that's what I said when I started. I refused to pay 500, 1000 or 2000 € for integrating an Infopreneurs group. I was convinced that I could use the money for purposes far more useful as advertising for my website, or outsource some tasks that I had no control!
The problem is that keeping the budget, for example, to advertise on Facebook, if you do not know how to do, it is an aberration!
You will see your money melt like snow in the sun, without result (besides, you will not even how to measure the results!).
Conversely, if you have early trained, whether on video or via a coach, certainly it will cost, but you will be able to use this knowledge throughout your life. So you can optimize your campaigns, and thus generate more revenue.
At this rate, your training will be quickly repaid in full and more than pays.
III. Being in a group with the same mindset that self
When I started on the internet, I was alone. Only because no one around me did not understand what I wanted to do. Aside say "But how do you live a website? It is impossible, everyone knows "or" You're not the head on your shoulders you, you think it's possible to do it at your age? "Say they knew nothing more.
While I admit that in those moments, I had big vacuum passages. Loneliness weighed on me a lot, and I gave my project ever!
By integrating a group in the same light as you, with the same ambitions, you will not know that!
You will be able to motivate you, and take action more quickly. Once you have a little bit of slack, the other members will be there to boost you and help you move forward.
This is a huge advantage, I regret not having seized earlier ...
So you'll understand that having a mentor at the beginning, if you start on the internet, or you want to develop any project is essential for 3 points: saving time, but also money while staying motivated through to others!
As I said, being infopreneur for 2 years, and living fully my income on the web, I decided to open October 1, the first Infopreneurs Institute in France, a program seven months, who will accompany in your project on the internet, if you want to develop a site on your passion and monetize it.
This quote is true in your personal life and your professional life elsewhere. Of course, it is not enough to be with the best, to get better, but it contributes greatly and you will surely save a lot of time.
But before you choose your example, your mentor, you must first make sure it has the same values as you. This is vital!
For example, the busniess community and more specifically the lawyers. This is in my opinion one of the best examples. You are a young lawyer, who wishes to progress quickly and have a good career, defending the rights of environmentalists and their shares in favor of the environment. It is logical that you would not choose a mentor who is in favor of mass agriculture and in favor of big agribusniess mass, right?
You know what I mean?
Choose a mentor, yes! But a mentor in relation to its values.
But ultimately why choose one?
Explanations ...
I. You will save a lot of time ...
Being accompanied by a mentor or a success, you'll avoid wasting many hours, weeks or months of unnecessary work. Indeed, every beginner makes mistakes, it's normal and human.
This is also how you learn. But if you have someone from the beginning to guide you, and that is probably going through the same mistakes in the beginning, it will guide you in the right direction directly.
To clarify my point, I'll take my personal example.
When I started on the web - even though I was from a training in marketing on the internet - I did not want to integrate or MasterMind group formations "French web marketing gurus" in the long term . I am content to follow some training right and left. The problem is that I had no follow-up and I was often left to myself.
So I committed a lot of errors, especially in referencing my first site, which are difficult to catch up later.
This is why having a mentor, someone who takes us under his wing, will allow you to go in the right way from the beginning, so to save time, whatever your project.
II. ... And you save money!
"But I do not understand, it's the opposite, training with a mentor, it costs an arm! "
It is often that all beginners say, and that's what I said when I started. I refused to pay 500, 1000 or 2000 € for integrating an Infopreneurs group. I was convinced that I could use the money for purposes far more useful as advertising for my website, or outsource some tasks that I had no control!
The problem is that keeping the budget, for example, to advertise on Facebook, if you do not know how to do, it is an aberration!
You will see your money melt like snow in the sun, without result (besides, you will not even how to measure the results!).
Conversely, if you have early trained, whether on video or via a coach, certainly it will cost, but you will be able to use this knowledge throughout your life. So you can optimize your campaigns, and thus generate more revenue.
At this rate, your training will be quickly repaid in full and more than pays.
III. Being in a group with the same mindset that self
When I started on the internet, I was alone. Only because no one around me did not understand what I wanted to do. Aside say "But how do you live a website? It is impossible, everyone knows "or" You're not the head on your shoulders you, you think it's possible to do it at your age? "Say they knew nothing more.
While I admit that in those moments, I had big vacuum passages. Loneliness weighed on me a lot, and I gave my project ever!
By integrating a group in the same light as you, with the same ambitions, you will not know that!
You will be able to motivate you, and take action more quickly. Once you have a little bit of slack, the other members will be there to boost you and help you move forward.
This is a huge advantage, I regret not having seized earlier ...
So you'll understand that having a mentor at the beginning, if you start on the internet, or you want to develop any project is essential for 3 points: saving time, but also money while staying motivated through to others!
As I said, being infopreneur for 2 years, and living fully my income on the web, I decided to open October 1, the first Infopreneurs Institute in France, a program seven months, who will accompany in your project on the internet, if you want to develop a site on your passion and monetize it.