Why I can not find my site on Google? Behind this seemingly simple question we all ask ourselves. And if you had only one request: that is the text content of a site that will be based Google and the other search engines to analyze, record, and finally assign a more or less good location to your page and ultimately to your site in the search results.
So to help you, here are 5 easy tips to set up to write and optimize your content text for the search engines!
1) Find a catchy title
The title of your blog post or web page is not only visible directly on the page, it also displays the results of the search engines or on a post, when you share the link on social networks!
To encourage future readers to read you site, here are some tips:
Promote the "Call to Action" (Action Alert): these are formulations based on the use of the imperative. Watch Out! Remember to stay with courteous and friendly ("Read this article on SEO" should not necessarily work well ).
So to help you, here are 5 easy tips to set up to write and optimize your content text for the search engines!
1) Find a catchy title
The title of your blog post or web page is not only visible directly on the page, it also displays the results of the search engines or on a post, when you share the link on social networks!
To encourage future readers to read you site, here are some tips:
Promote the "Call to Action" (Action Alert): these are formulations based on the use of the imperative. Watch Out! Remember to stay with courteous and friendly ("Read this article on SEO" should not necessarily work well ).
"Check out all my new e-boutiques"
"Learn how to write an optimized text"
Make a "response" to the query will return the user to Google that would potentially read your article. Often the Google user queries beginning with "how (do / write / find / make) ..." Examples:
"How to write a text optimized for the Internet"
"Why is it so important to optimize its content"
A short title and enumeration. Internet readers are often pressed: reassure them about the length of your article, indicating the number of choice points raised, or the estimated time commitment required reading or setting up of the advice. Examples:
"3 tips for writing optimized text"
"Write an optimized text 3 minutes"
And of course, without abusing it, you can combine these techniques "How to write an optimized text in 3 minutes".
Last tip: remember to also vary! This kind of title, if they work very well and promote the click is also why more and more common on the Internet and can sometimes end up bored surfers ...
2) Optimize the structure of your texts
Structure of the article
In a second time and to make content "readable" for Google, observe the use of titles (module "Title") as you would have done or for an essay in high school / college:
Use only one title per page preferably, it will be the main title of your text content.
Note: For blog posts, article title is automatically set title 1. Do not use while Title Title 2 or 3 for the rest of your article.
Example of structure:
Title 1 How to write an optimized text
Title 2 Some easy techniques
Title 3 Data First
Title 3 Second Technical
Title 2 More complex technical
Title 3 ....
The titles of your paragraphs will therefore be of Divisions 2 and 3 titles their subparts.
Tip: Try to place the "keywords" or variations also in your level of Titles 1 and 2. And for all those for whom the term "keyword" is still unclear, do not worry, we will return it in later in this article.
Font style
To facilitate reading, feel free to use (preferably wisely) varied font formatting! You can highlight your key phrases in bold text, italics indicate your sources, and also create bulleted lists. Many style element that let you:
to make your natural Article
to focus on the important passages (and potentially important for Google robots).
Be careful, as always, encourage your readers and not the Google robots! Better to use font styles sparingly and keep your text readable for your readers to exaggerate (called "over-optimization)" your content because Google - with robots able to identify such practices - see a very dim!
How to write web content
3) Analyze the content
analyze the text content for seo
First a little reminder from our SEO Help topic:
"Keywords are the words and phrases relevant to your content and that you want to be found via user queries on search engines like Google."
EX your restaurant in New York, a potential key phrase would be "cheap restaurant New York"
Of course it is also important to focus on key words and phrases that are highly sought after by users!
So what is the relationship with your text? Enter keywords in SEO settings it not enough?
Well no. You will have to prove to Google that your content does refer to subject matter defined by your choice of keywords ... And for that, you just (obviously?) That these keywords and phrases are contained in the text!
Warning: everything must be natural! Repeating a keyword on all sentences might not really please the Google robots that analyze your text and which are able to detect this kind of trickery.
CHOOSE well your keywords and concentrate on a few words or phrases belonging to the same theme!
you own an e-shop to sell different types of products? Discuss one topic per page and avoid creating a text in which you talk to both a lawnmower and electronic thermometer ...
And here's how:
1) Write at first your text naturally remaining course focused on your keywords, your theme.
2) Then use a text analysis tool such
3) Make sure when your keywords are sufficiently present in your text. And if that is not the case, rework the text to add them!
You must then find the best compromise for the text remains natural and enjoyable to read. A tip: use variations of your keywords. They will also be taken into account by search engines (ex .: "writing optimized text", "writing optimized text easily", "design a text")
4) Choose the right links
Pay attention to the quantity ...
You will often need to connect your content to another existing content you cite in your text (always cite your sources!), It is on another page of your site, or another site. It is also advisable even in terms of SEO.
But if it is indeed advisable to link your pages together to the Google robots can it flow more easily, careful not to overload your links page!
Depending on the length of your text (more text there is, the more you can put links) will put eg no more than 5 internal links and 2 external links.
Attention to links to other sites, if you and help SEO sites concerned, it is also important not to damage yours. Think integrate them sparingly!
Tip: Remember to redirect occasionally Link your text for a sub page to your home page (or main page), it helps to tell Google the importance of this page for your site and can help the overall ranking of your site!
and also to the quality ....
A common error found on the net are the links to other pages made on the word "here", "click here", "there", etc ....
ex: "Learn how to optimize your referencing text here"
The link text, even if its importance decreases with Google, may remain important to indicate the subject matter of the linked article in question.
The best solution: always create a link on the part of the text relating to the best content of the linked page
ex .: "... and also learn in this other article how to optimize your text for SEO"
Warning, do not abuse this practice, especially if you create a link to the main page of a site. In this case, it is better to simply connect the site name, eg "consider visiting my website www.domaine.com"
Because once again, Google is not fooled by such techniques ...
5) Use authorship
If all the tips on SEO for the content remain more valid than ever, Google is testing a few months new options for websites that could become increasingly important to the websites of the SEO strategy.
Among them, the famous "authorship" developed by Google. At first glance, it is mainly the opportunity to see their profile and even his profile picture Google+ appear next pages of the site appears in the search results.
example of authorship google
But behind all this, many experts are already seeing a significant change in terms of SEO: Google seeks to establish a new criterion to analyze and classify internet sites based on "authority" of an author (you) writing contents texts for a site or a blog (your website or blog HomeBusniess).
This author is defined by his Google+ profile, which then becomes necessary to take advantage of authorship (your Google+ profile).
The author writes more quality articles (receiving many visits from), the more "authority" as author increases, which serves referencing websites in the end for which he wrote the content.
"Check out all my new e-boutiques"
"Learn how to write an optimized text"
Make a "response" to the query will return the user to Google that would potentially read your article. Often the Google user queries beginning with "how (do / write / find / make) ..." Examples:
"How to write a text optimized for the Internet"
"Why is it so important to optimize its content"
A short title and enumeration. Internet readers are often pressed: reassure them about the length of your article, indicating the number of choice points raised, or the estimated time commitment required reading or setting up of the advice. Examples:
"3 tips for writing optimized text"
"Write an optimized text 3 minutes"
And of course, without abusing it, you can combine these techniques "How to write an optimized text in 3 minutes".
Last tip: remember to also vary! This kind of title, if they work very well and promote the click is also why more and more common on the Internet and can sometimes end up bored surfers ...
2) Optimize the structure of your texts
Structure of the article
In a second time and to make content "readable" for Google, observe the use of titles (module "Title") as you would have done or for an essay in high school / college:
Use only one title per page preferably, it will be the main title of your text content.
Note: For blog posts, article title is automatically set title 1. Do not use while Title Title 2 or 3 for the rest of your article.
Example of structure:
Title 1 How to write an optimized text
Title 2 Some easy techniques
Title 3 Data First
Title 3 Second Technical
Title 2 More complex technical
Title 3 ....
The titles of your paragraphs will therefore be of Divisions 2 and 3 titles their subparts.
Tip: Try to place the "keywords" or variations also in your level of Titles 1 and 2. And for all those for whom the term "keyword" is still unclear, do not worry, we will return it in later in this article.
Font style
To facilitate reading, feel free to use (preferably wisely) varied font formatting! You can highlight your key phrases in bold text, italics indicate your sources, and also create bulleted lists. Many style element that let you:
to make your natural Article
to focus on the important passages (and potentially important for Google robots).
Be careful, as always, encourage your readers and not the Google robots! Better to use font styles sparingly and keep your text readable for your readers to exaggerate (called "over-optimization)" your content because Google - with robots able to identify such practices - see a very dim!
How to write web content
3) Analyze the content
analyze the text content for seo
First a little reminder from our SEO Help topic:
"Keywords are the words and phrases relevant to your content and that you want to be found via user queries on search engines like Google."
EX your restaurant in New York, a potential key phrase would be "cheap restaurant New York"
Of course it is also important to focus on key words and phrases that are highly sought after by users!
So what is the relationship with your text? Enter keywords in SEO settings it not enough?
Well no. You will have to prove to Google that your content does refer to subject matter defined by your choice of keywords ... And for that, you just (obviously?) That these keywords and phrases are contained in the text!
Warning: everything must be natural! Repeating a keyword on all sentences might not really please the Google robots that analyze your text and which are able to detect this kind of trickery.
CHOOSE well your keywords and concentrate on a few words or phrases belonging to the same theme!
you own an e-shop to sell different types of products? Discuss one topic per page and avoid creating a text in which you talk to both a lawnmower and electronic thermometer ...
And here's how:
1) Write at first your text naturally remaining course focused on your keywords, your theme.
2) Then use a text analysis tool such
3) Make sure when your keywords are sufficiently present in your text. And if that is not the case, rework the text to add them!
You must then find the best compromise for the text remains natural and enjoyable to read. A tip: use variations of your keywords. They will also be taken into account by search engines (ex .: "writing optimized text", "writing optimized text easily", "design a text")
4) Choose the right links
Pay attention to the quantity ...
You will often need to connect your content to another existing content you cite in your text (always cite your sources!), It is on another page of your site, or another site. It is also advisable even in terms of SEO.
But if it is indeed advisable to link your pages together to the Google robots can it flow more easily, careful not to overload your links page!
Depending on the length of your text (more text there is, the more you can put links) will put eg no more than 5 internal links and 2 external links.
Attention to links to other sites, if you and help SEO sites concerned, it is also important not to damage yours. Think integrate them sparingly!
Tip: Remember to redirect occasionally Link your text for a sub page to your home page (or main page), it helps to tell Google the importance of this page for your site and can help the overall ranking of your site!
and also to the quality ....
A common error found on the net are the links to other pages made on the word "here", "click here", "there", etc ....
ex: "Learn how to optimize your referencing text here"
The link text, even if its importance decreases with Google, may remain important to indicate the subject matter of the linked article in question.
The best solution: always create a link on the part of the text relating to the best content of the linked page
ex .: "... and also learn in this other article how to optimize your text for SEO"
Warning, do not abuse this practice, especially if you create a link to the main page of a site. In this case, it is better to simply connect the site name, eg "consider visiting my website www.domaine.com"
Because once again, Google is not fooled by such techniques ...
5) Use authorship
If all the tips on SEO for the content remain more valid than ever, Google is testing a few months new options for websites that could become increasingly important to the websites of the SEO strategy.
Among them, the famous "authorship" developed by Google. At first glance, it is mainly the opportunity to see their profile and even his profile picture Google+ appear next pages of the site appears in the search results.
example of authorship google
But behind all this, many experts are already seeing a significant change in terms of SEO: Google seeks to establish a new criterion to analyze and classify internet sites based on "authority" of an author (you) writing contents texts for a site or a blog (your website or blog HomeBusniess).
This author is defined by his Google+ profile, which then becomes necessary to take advantage of authorship (your Google+ profile).
The author writes more quality articles (receiving many visits from), the more "authority" as author increases, which serves referencing websites in the end for which he wrote the content.