If you have an online store, you've probably asked to try the adventure market places or price comparison. The principle is to offer your products on sites that have more visitors than yours and therefore benefit from their traffic. But beware, the problem of "duplicate content" watches. And with it the risk that your site penalized by Google
A market place, a price comparison, what is it?
To sum up, a marketplace is often known site (Amazon, Pixmania, Rue du Commerce, Ebay, Fnac) which offers you to sell your products for a commission (do your calculations this can be expensive ...).
A market place, a price comparison, what is it?
To sum up, a marketplace is often known site (Amazon, Pixmania, Rue du Commerce, Ebay, Fnac) which offers you to sell your products for a commission (do your calculations this can be expensive ...).
The price comparison is similar in operation, you display your products in an attempt to take advantage of its traffic. The comparators have still lost a lot of visibility from the arrival of Google shopping.
How it works there technically?
You will provide this external platform your product titles, your descriptions often your pictures, prices, adapting to the categorization in place. This information shall be transmitted as a stream. For your convenience, many services offer to manage the transmission this to the major search engines - (Shopping flow Iziflux, Lengow, etc.)
What risks for your site?
We know that Google hates duplicate content. In short, it will not display the same content 10 times on its front page under the pretext that you have 10 different sites, it's pretty normal.
And what do we do with the marketplaces? Well we create automated duplication of its own content, a shame. You who have spent so much time tweaking your beautiful descriptions, you give them on to another plateau. As long as you do this with 2 or 3 sites and you're an army of external pages to minimize yours in the eyes of Google.
When we know that for site selection that will display if duplicate content across multiple sites, Google chose the site that has the most authority in his eyes. You can imagine that will be elected from Rue du commerce or Amazon unknown and your new online store ...
As a result, you may sell on Amazon (if you are among the cheapest), but losing your margins because of the commissions. As to your site, it will always be relegated behind these heavyweights such marketplaces.
And there's worse.
The conclusion: not only its contents have been duplicated at Amazon, but the added bonus is its descriptions which have been preserved for all competitors who sell on this platform.
So she worked for competitors in addition to manhandle her own SEO.
Risks encountered before, we say that it is useful to find solutions.
The best advice I can give is to provide marketplaces titles and descriptions different from those you use on your own website.
For titles: change as soon as possible by trying to keep at minimum a sufficiently descriptive title.
For descriptions: try to drastically change the content. Besides, you do not have to do anything as comprehensive as for your site.
Then generate the you send to the comparators or marketplaces from this second pair of content. These sites will compete and will duplicate them with what you have written, but it is not your problem, your content will remain unique to you.
If you have already submitted your product catalog, you no longer has to rework your content to your own site. Even if you leave the marketplace, it will keep your descriptions to other suppliers.
In conclusion
By choosing well what products you want to sell them not to degrade all your margins, and taking great care about the content you give them, marketplaces can be a good growth.
But do not take lightly the SEO risks by taking precautions before you start sending them your cash.
How it works there technically?
You will provide this external platform your product titles, your descriptions often your pictures, prices, adapting to the categorization in place. This information shall be transmitted as a stream. For your convenience, many services offer to manage the transmission this to the major search engines - (Shopping flow Iziflux, Lengow, etc.)
What risks for your site?
We know that Google hates duplicate content. In short, it will not display the same content 10 times on its front page under the pretext that you have 10 different sites, it's pretty normal.
And what do we do with the marketplaces? Well we create automated duplication of its own content, a shame. You who have spent so much time tweaking your beautiful descriptions, you give them on to another plateau. As long as you do this with 2 or 3 sites and you're an army of external pages to minimize yours in the eyes of Google.
When we know that for site selection that will display if duplicate content across multiple sites, Google chose the site that has the most authority in his eyes. You can imagine that will be elected from Rue du commerce or Amazon unknown and your new online store ...
As a result, you may sell on Amazon (if you are among the cheapest), but losing your margins because of the commissions. As to your site, it will always be relegated behind these heavyweights such marketplaces.
And there's worse.
The conclusion: not only its contents have been duplicated at Amazon, but the added bonus is its descriptions which have been preserved for all competitors who sell on this platform.
So she worked for competitors in addition to manhandle her own SEO.
Risks encountered before, we say that it is useful to find solutions.
The best advice I can give is to provide marketplaces titles and descriptions different from those you use on your own website.
For titles: change as soon as possible by trying to keep at minimum a sufficiently descriptive title.
For descriptions: try to drastically change the content. Besides, you do not have to do anything as comprehensive as for your site.
Then generate the you send to the comparators or marketplaces from this second pair of content. These sites will compete and will duplicate them with what you have written, but it is not your problem, your content will remain unique to you.
If you have already submitted your product catalog, you no longer has to rework your content to your own site. Even if you leave the marketplace, it will keep your descriptions to other suppliers.
In conclusion
By choosing well what products you want to sell them not to degrade all your margins, and taking great care about the content you give them, marketplaces can be a good growth.
But do not take lightly the SEO risks by taking precautions before you start sending them your cash.