In the following article, you will discover how to make money on the internet with a small store front.
You can generate thousands of dollars without taking risks. Because the strategy you will discover just below allows you to start without investing a fantastic amount.
You're going to do something different than 95% already on the market e-retailers.
Here is a step by step strategy to create a site from scratch commerce ... and who stand out
You can generate thousands of dollars without taking risks. Because the strategy you will discover just below allows you to start without investing a fantastic amount.
You're going to do something different than 95% already on the market e-retailers.
Here is a step by step strategy to create a site from scratch commerce ... and who stand out
Step 1: Select a theme
The first step is to select a theme, but not just any ...
THE right to choose theme, several factors must be taken into account:
First you need to choose a topic that interests enough people. Because so few people interested in your products, then few people will buy ... and therefore your store will not be profitable. Your market should not be too small. If your income will be limited.
How to evaluate the size of a market?
There are several ways to assess the size of the market:
The easiest way is to take a look at existing stores (their number and their turnover). The more numerous and with a high turnover, the more the market is substantial. You may say "If there already tens or hundreds of shops on this theme, it will be very difficult for me to break through and create a truly profitable busniess ...?". If you do it as the average of e-trailers, well yes it will be almost impossible to break into a saturated theme. However, if you stand in a clever manner as we shall see further down, it is quite easy to generate income ten times better than most small online retailers of your theme.
Another way (complementary) to probe the size of a market is to use the keyword planning tool Google Adwords. This free tool lets you know the number of times that people have typed a keyword on Google in a month. This allows you to gauge the interest of users for a particular subject.
Back on topic. What is the second factor that comes into play in choosing your theme?
To be effective, have fun and produce quality content, you must choose a topic that interests you. The must is that interests you. For each day of "work" will be pure pleasure. If you choose a topic that does not please you, you quickly.
Now that you know how to choose a theme that relates and that you like, we will see together how to be unique in this theme.
Step 2: Specialize in a specific section of your theme
Let's see how you stand out from the competition easily, even if it is well established.
There is a good chance that you have chosen a theme in which there are already several actors. And the problem is how to do better than them. How do you go about that people do to you more confidence ... then you are a newcomer ...?
There is a strategy every beast, almost against-intuitive, allowing it to be recognized as an expert ... while working less. This strategy is the strategy of specialization. It will allow you to sell more easily, because you'll be seen as a reference in your field.
You may be wondering how to do it effectively?
Whatever your theme, you can always cut it into sub-themes. Even cut these sub-themes in sub-themes. And so on. To specialize, it is simply to select a sub-theme that no one has selected. And if your market is ultra-saturated genre, cut more. As long as there is a lot of potential buyers, you do not take the risk of being limited in terms of turnover.
Let's take an example to illustrate all this:
The clothing market. Which is an ultra saturated market. One of the country's biggest market. There are hundreds (even thousands) of online shops on clothing. Say you want to create a commercial site on the sector.
Of course you will not copy large, which have tens of thousands of references and products that sell everything (trousers, shoes, jackets, t-shirts, etc ...). For in wanting to play than they in the same yard, you're going to make it comparable to them. Yet with all their experience, financial resources, credibility, you will never make the weight.
But you'll be smarter. You will not go comparable to these industry heavyweights. Because you will make to be unique, being better than them on a sub-theme.
For example, you create a shop exclusively on shirts (or the bikini or jeans, etc ...). And if a store on the shirts already exists, you are going to specialize even further. For example, you will build your store around the plaid shirts, shirts or around classes, etc ...
So you will be the only internet being specialized in plaid shirts. And when people seek a plaid shirt, they will not go in heavy, they will go home. Because for them, you will be the reference. And there you have won.
By taking it that way, you will become great in your sub-theme. You will be unique. Remember: it is better to be an expert on a specific point that way at all.
And must in all this is that you specialize, you will work less. Because you will focus your efforts solely on your small plot of land to defend. You do not éparpillerez you. This will allow you to make money on the net effectively.
Step 3: Select a few products
With the specialization you choose, you concentrate on a limited number of products. You are not haunted by all these stocks to sell all the stocks that you sell at any price.
You can test your products one by one. You will be sure to offer quality to your customers.
And since you have a limited number of products, you can tie you to promote any of your products. More than if you had hundreds of products.
So to begin, select from 5 to 10 products for your niche (that is to say, for your sub-theme).
This is not enough? Remember that Apple has generated billions of dollars in revenue by selling a single product: the iPhone.
This is not because there are more choices on your e-commerce site that people will buy more. The example of a site on the plaid shirts. Instead of proposing fifty shirts to the Internet, you offer him only 5 shirts but the best. Instead of offering him six variants of shirts blue and white tiles, you are not going to propose one: the one you think best. Same for red plaid shirts / White: You will propose only one, the one whose quality is the best. Etc ...
But restricting the choice of products available goes further than that ... Studies by psychologists (especially by American Barry Schwartz) have shown that too much choice paralyzes. When we have too much choice, you do not know what to choose ... and suddenly we do not act.
There are so many things to choose from that you end up not selecting any. Some large companies have realized, starting with McDonald's, which has only one menu for children.
Now that you have selected the products you sell, you're going to promote it. In other words, you will attract customers.
Step 4: Create a media site to attract traffic and retain an audience
Once you have selected your products, you'll make them visible in order to sell them.
You will create a media site and publish content several times a week (once a week minimum). This content will be relevant to the products you offer for sale. If so, you'll be able to easily link your products to your content.
Using the example of the shop on plaid shirts. You create a blog and you will publish articles. In turn you write an article related to blue plaid shirts, an article related to red plaid shirts, an article related to brown plaid shirts, etc ...
And in each of your articles you include a link to the product report. But no matter how. The link (or links if you included a number) must be brought naturally. Your visitors need to want to click on it. They need to see the link to your product as a logical result of your article.
Links created your media site to your product pages have a double advantage:
they bring you qualified traffic
they improve your ranking in the results of search engines
Thus, your online store will channel traffic from your site as well as media search engine.
You may be thinking that creating content is not for you ...? Maybe you think that writing articles, it takes time and it's hard ...?
I do not deny that for your first 2-3 items, you will have a bit of trouble (for lack of practice). But you will see that publish an interesting article, it is far from complicated.
To create a good article, it may be sufficient to choose a good video on Youtube and write a description of at least a few lines (to be sure to be referenced by Google).
We have recently developed an online software that allows you to create a user-friendly site and to publish articles containing everything you want: text, photo, video, music ... without either knowing or to internet programming. You let your creativity.
The first step is to select a theme, but not just any ...
THE right to choose theme, several factors must be taken into account:
First you need to choose a topic that interests enough people. Because so few people interested in your products, then few people will buy ... and therefore your store will not be profitable. Your market should not be too small. If your income will be limited.
How to evaluate the size of a market?
There are several ways to assess the size of the market:
The easiest way is to take a look at existing stores (their number and their turnover). The more numerous and with a high turnover, the more the market is substantial. You may say "If there already tens or hundreds of shops on this theme, it will be very difficult for me to break through and create a truly profitable busniess ...?". If you do it as the average of e-trailers, well yes it will be almost impossible to break into a saturated theme. However, if you stand in a clever manner as we shall see further down, it is quite easy to generate income ten times better than most small online retailers of your theme.
Another way (complementary) to probe the size of a market is to use the keyword planning tool Google Adwords. This free tool lets you know the number of times that people have typed a keyword on Google in a month. This allows you to gauge the interest of users for a particular subject.
Back on topic. What is the second factor that comes into play in choosing your theme?
To be effective, have fun and produce quality content, you must choose a topic that interests you. The must is that interests you. For each day of "work" will be pure pleasure. If you choose a topic that does not please you, you quickly.
Now that you know how to choose a theme that relates and that you like, we will see together how to be unique in this theme.
Step 2: Specialize in a specific section of your theme
Let's see how you stand out from the competition easily, even if it is well established.
There is a good chance that you have chosen a theme in which there are already several actors. And the problem is how to do better than them. How do you go about that people do to you more confidence ... then you are a newcomer ...?
There is a strategy every beast, almost against-intuitive, allowing it to be recognized as an expert ... while working less. This strategy is the strategy of specialization. It will allow you to sell more easily, because you'll be seen as a reference in your field.
You may be wondering how to do it effectively?
Whatever your theme, you can always cut it into sub-themes. Even cut these sub-themes in sub-themes. And so on. To specialize, it is simply to select a sub-theme that no one has selected. And if your market is ultra-saturated genre, cut more. As long as there is a lot of potential buyers, you do not take the risk of being limited in terms of turnover.
Let's take an example to illustrate all this:
The clothing market. Which is an ultra saturated market. One of the country's biggest market. There are hundreds (even thousands) of online shops on clothing. Say you want to create a commercial site on the sector.
Of course you will not copy large, which have tens of thousands of references and products that sell everything (trousers, shoes, jackets, t-shirts, etc ...). For in wanting to play than they in the same yard, you're going to make it comparable to them. Yet with all their experience, financial resources, credibility, you will never make the weight.
But you'll be smarter. You will not go comparable to these industry heavyweights. Because you will make to be unique, being better than them on a sub-theme.
For example, you create a shop exclusively on shirts (or the bikini or jeans, etc ...). And if a store on the shirts already exists, you are going to specialize even further. For example, you will build your store around the plaid shirts, shirts or around classes, etc ...
So you will be the only internet being specialized in plaid shirts. And when people seek a plaid shirt, they will not go in heavy, they will go home. Because for them, you will be the reference. And there you have won.
By taking it that way, you will become great in your sub-theme. You will be unique. Remember: it is better to be an expert on a specific point that way at all.
And must in all this is that you specialize, you will work less. Because you will focus your efforts solely on your small plot of land to defend. You do not éparpillerez you. This will allow you to make money on the net effectively.
Step 3: Select a few products
With the specialization you choose, you concentrate on a limited number of products. You are not haunted by all these stocks to sell all the stocks that you sell at any price.
You can test your products one by one. You will be sure to offer quality to your customers.
And since you have a limited number of products, you can tie you to promote any of your products. More than if you had hundreds of products.
So to begin, select from 5 to 10 products for your niche (that is to say, for your sub-theme).
This is not enough? Remember that Apple has generated billions of dollars in revenue by selling a single product: the iPhone.
This is not because there are more choices on your e-commerce site that people will buy more. The example of a site on the plaid shirts. Instead of proposing fifty shirts to the Internet, you offer him only 5 shirts but the best. Instead of offering him six variants of shirts blue and white tiles, you are not going to propose one: the one you think best. Same for red plaid shirts / White: You will propose only one, the one whose quality is the best. Etc ...
But restricting the choice of products available goes further than that ... Studies by psychologists (especially by American Barry Schwartz) have shown that too much choice paralyzes. When we have too much choice, you do not know what to choose ... and suddenly we do not act.
There are so many things to choose from that you end up not selecting any. Some large companies have realized, starting with McDonald's, which has only one menu for children.
Now that you have selected the products you sell, you're going to promote it. In other words, you will attract customers.
Step 4: Create a media site to attract traffic and retain an audience
Once you have selected your products, you'll make them visible in order to sell them.
You will create a media site and publish content several times a week (once a week minimum). This content will be relevant to the products you offer for sale. If so, you'll be able to easily link your products to your content.
Using the example of the shop on plaid shirts. You create a blog and you will publish articles. In turn you write an article related to blue plaid shirts, an article related to red plaid shirts, an article related to brown plaid shirts, etc ...
And in each of your articles you include a link to the product report. But no matter how. The link (or links if you included a number) must be brought naturally. Your visitors need to want to click on it. They need to see the link to your product as a logical result of your article.
Links created your media site to your product pages have a double advantage:
they bring you qualified traffic
they improve your ranking in the results of search engines
Thus, your online store will channel traffic from your site as well as media search engine.
You may be thinking that creating content is not for you ...? Maybe you think that writing articles, it takes time and it's hard ...?
I do not deny that for your first 2-3 items, you will have a bit of trouble (for lack of practice). But you will see that publish an interesting article, it is far from complicated.
To create a good article, it may be sufficient to choose a good video on Youtube and write a description of at least a few lines (to be sure to be referenced by Google).
We have recently developed an online software that allows you to create a user-friendly site and to publish articles containing everything you want: text, photo, video, music ... without either knowing or to internet programming. You let your creativity.