Write a blog item per day frightens many bloggers. This requires a certain methodology and rigor. But if you stick to it has many benefits. It allows you to improve the SEO of your blog, to be listed on more keywords, retain your readers to come back more often and to grow your prospect list. Finally it allows you to have many content to offer on other blogs as a guest.
In this article you will see:
The exact the method I use to write an article a day, usually 1,500 words
simple technique for finding story ideas when I'm out of inspiration
like to do when you do not want to write
What are the types of items that bring more visitors
Why write a daily blog article
In this article you will see:
The exact the method I use to write an article a day, usually 1,500 words
simple technique for finding story ideas when I'm out of inspiration
like to do when you do not want to write
What are the types of items that bring more visitors
Why write a daily blog article
Before going into the concrete I would like to revisit the benefits that entails. First of all, you always need fresh content. This will be useful for your own blog or other if you have a network. It will also be useful for newsletters, Facebook pages or to discussion forums. It will also be convenient to have several items on hand when you contact other bloggers to offer them to write as a guest.
My method to write an article a day.
I have adopted this strategy on many blogs and I'm always taking me there. I generally like this rhythm the first 6 months. Then I switch to a pace of two articles a week and I mainly publish videos. This technique allows me to quickly identify me by other bloggers and prospects. This also allows me to have enough material to properly do SEO work on my blog.
1. Write several titles of articles
Of course, I have already identified several topics of articles. First, in relation to my subject, I start by writing several reasons. For that, I use several structures:
Highlighting the solution provided by Article
Highlight the problem faced by my readers
Play on curiosity
Playing on the result
Be very factual
I give you an example. If I want to write an article that shows how to get 15,000 visitors a month without SEO, I will use the following structures:
The exact method to get 15,000 visitors a month without Google SEO
How this void SEO gets 15,000 visitors per month
Read this if you do not have at least 15,000 visitors per month
The strategy to be copied for 15,000 visitors per month
2. Note any keywords related to this article
Then I will note all keywords that go through my head that I have used in my article. I do it by feel at first. Then I open a document that I created for the launch of my blog that semantic guide my choices.
I advise you to simply list all the words that goes through your head relative to the title of your article. Then ask yourself what could enter users into Google to find this type of article.
3. Write down all the ideas that go through your head in the disorder
Now that I have my keywords, I will enter on a document all ideas that go through my head. That is to say, I'll write down everything I want to talk and all the problems my readers.
For example, for this article, this is what I noted before writing:
My complete method with steps
How do I get ideas when I lack of inspiration
how to do when you love to write
how to do when time
which method adopted when several blogs
The goal here is to list all the topics I want to discuss. No matter if you repeat, sorting then we will. The goal is to forget nothing and to be as comprehensive as possible.
4. Write the plan Article
It is now time to draw a map of your article. Just take all the ideas from Step 3. Then, group the block to determine a structure titles, subtitles, etc. paragraph I advise you to always fit the following structure:
Present what will be discussed in the article
Describe the benefits of the solution
Explain why the solutions applied by the majority do not work
Present your solution
5. Fill the holes
Once the structure of your article is up it'll just write paragraphs and bulleted lists for each title, subtitle etc. This way of working allows you to write much faster because you already have the structure of the article in mind.
How to find story ideas?
There are days when I have many ideas and others much less. I advise you to fasten days of reflection. First, have a note taking application with you. I use Evernote is installed on my Mac and my iPhone. As soon as I have an idea, I note in writing or orally and I applies a tag to easily find me afterwards. I note absolutely all the ideas I have. Sometimes I get my iPhone notes an article idea at a party, when I went to the beach, family meals ...
For ideas, here is my technique:
I use what others say. Recently I was with an employee friend who told me about his desire to start a business but did not have time. Here is an article idea. There a few days, I went into a bar and the owner told me that he wanted to organize concerts and events and advertise on the Internet. Another article idea.
Then I use my own observations. I walk every day on various websites, I browse the product catalog, I sign up for newsletters, I buy products. I often hallucinating at the poor quality of emails sent by the seller or at the way the products are presented on the site. This gives me many ideas for articles.
I also have ideas when I wonder how I would do if I had to start my business from scratch. Or how to tackle a new business that I do not know.
I also have some ideas about problems encountered. I have no such written articles that say why I do not recommend using Paypal as payment. Indeed in 2008 Paypal blocked more than 50,000 dollars that I realized during a product launch. I have also written articles on the problems I had with some dubious partners who steal your lists of prospects and you walk after sending etc.
Finally, I when I go on forums, I see that some issues keep coming back. It gives me many ideas for articles.
How to do when not want to write?
It's simple, you just have to dictate your content. You can use voice recognition software such as Dragon Naturally Speaking or voice dictation tool for Mac. Or you can pay a provider to transcribe your audio texts.
What are the contents that bring the most visitors?
I think the content that drain the most traffic are:
the tutorials
Lists of things to do
The action plans
The articles that highlight the best experts of a class
Errors Don'ts
Test results
My method to write an article a day.
I have adopted this strategy on many blogs and I'm always taking me there. I generally like this rhythm the first 6 months. Then I switch to a pace of two articles a week and I mainly publish videos. This technique allows me to quickly identify me by other bloggers and prospects. This also allows me to have enough material to properly do SEO work on my blog.
1. Write several titles of articles
Of course, I have already identified several topics of articles. First, in relation to my subject, I start by writing several reasons. For that, I use several structures:
Highlighting the solution provided by Article
Highlight the problem faced by my readers
Play on curiosity
Playing on the result
Be very factual
I give you an example. If I want to write an article that shows how to get 15,000 visitors a month without SEO, I will use the following structures:
The exact method to get 15,000 visitors a month without Google SEO
How this void SEO gets 15,000 visitors per month
Read this if you do not have at least 15,000 visitors per month
The strategy to be copied for 15,000 visitors per month
2. Note any keywords related to this article
Then I will note all keywords that go through my head that I have used in my article. I do it by feel at first. Then I open a document that I created for the launch of my blog that semantic guide my choices.
I advise you to simply list all the words that goes through your head relative to the title of your article. Then ask yourself what could enter users into Google to find this type of article.
3. Write down all the ideas that go through your head in the disorder
Now that I have my keywords, I will enter on a document all ideas that go through my head. That is to say, I'll write down everything I want to talk and all the problems my readers.
For example, for this article, this is what I noted before writing:
My complete method with steps
How do I get ideas when I lack of inspiration
how to do when you love to write
how to do when time
which method adopted when several blogs
The goal here is to list all the topics I want to discuss. No matter if you repeat, sorting then we will. The goal is to forget nothing and to be as comprehensive as possible.
4. Write the plan Article
It is now time to draw a map of your article. Just take all the ideas from Step 3. Then, group the block to determine a structure titles, subtitles, etc. paragraph I advise you to always fit the following structure:
Present what will be discussed in the article
Describe the benefits of the solution
Explain why the solutions applied by the majority do not work
Present your solution
5. Fill the holes
Once the structure of your article is up it'll just write paragraphs and bulleted lists for each title, subtitle etc. This way of working allows you to write much faster because you already have the structure of the article in mind.
How to find story ideas?
There are days when I have many ideas and others much less. I advise you to fasten days of reflection. First, have a note taking application with you. I use Evernote is installed on my Mac and my iPhone. As soon as I have an idea, I note in writing or orally and I applies a tag to easily find me afterwards. I note absolutely all the ideas I have. Sometimes I get my iPhone notes an article idea at a party, when I went to the beach, family meals ...
For ideas, here is my technique:
I use what others say. Recently I was with an employee friend who told me about his desire to start a business but did not have time. Here is an article idea. There a few days, I went into a bar and the owner told me that he wanted to organize concerts and events and advertise on the Internet. Another article idea.
Then I use my own observations. I walk every day on various websites, I browse the product catalog, I sign up for newsletters, I buy products. I often hallucinating at the poor quality of emails sent by the seller or at the way the products are presented on the site. This gives me many ideas for articles.
I also have ideas when I wonder how I would do if I had to start my business from scratch. Or how to tackle a new business that I do not know.
I also have some ideas about problems encountered. I have no such written articles that say why I do not recommend using Paypal as payment. Indeed in 2008 Paypal blocked more than 50,000 dollars that I realized during a product launch. I have also written articles on the problems I had with some dubious partners who steal your lists of prospects and you walk after sending etc.
Finally, I when I go on forums, I see that some issues keep coming back. It gives me many ideas for articles.
How to do when not want to write?
It's simple, you just have to dictate your content. You can use voice recognition software such as Dragon Naturally Speaking or voice dictation tool for Mac. Or you can pay a provider to transcribe your audio texts.
What are the contents that bring the most visitors?
I think the content that drain the most traffic are:
the tutorials
Lists of things to do
The action plans
The articles that highlight the best experts of a class
Errors Don'ts
Test results