There are some days I explained how to generate several thousand euros in revenue each month with niche blogs. Today I will introduce the 5 steps to success in this sector to generate recurring revenue.
1. Finding a profitable Niche and make it a timeless blog
To be successful with niche blogs avoiding having to make the same work every year, we must make sure to find niches timeless blogs. In fact, do not waste your time creating a blog and write content on a niche as Facebook marketing. The social network changes its privacy rules and design very often. You can write your content today and it will be outdated tomorrow. So it is better to opt for the topics to be still viable in 10 years.
1. Finding a profitable Niche and make it a timeless blog
To be successful with niche blogs avoiding having to make the same work every year, we must make sure to find niches timeless blogs. In fact, do not waste your time creating a blog and write content on a niche as Facebook marketing. The social network changes its privacy rules and design very often. You can write your content today and it will be outdated tomorrow. So it is better to opt for the topics to be still viable in 10 years.
For example, you can treat yoga, meditation, strength or speed. New methods will appear over the years but the fundamentals will not change. Also, keep in mind that most blogs are getting more than half of their traffic via their old items that have more than 2, 3 or 5 years. By adopting such a strategy, you can write timeless content that still give you the business for several years.
What are the timeless niche blogs work best?
There are a lot but I have identified 12:
diet and weight loss
bodybuilding and fitness
meditation and relaxation
learning guitar
Learning foreign languages
how to have children
how to train his dog
how to improve memory
how to seduce women
how to save
guide to the real estate investments
And here are some niches that I do not recommend because they change too often
photoshop tutorial
Mac and Windows tutorial
all tutorials on social networks
all that is related to recent legislation (permits, smoke detector etc)
Do not go into a niche that can change overnight with the decision of a management or political committee.
2. Identify profitable keywords
This part seems simple but is nevertheless sloppy by most bloggers apprentices. Indeed, finding profitable keywords does not mean opting for the 4 or 5 most searched keywords in a niche. For example, if we take the learning of English industry, queries like "learn English for free" are not profitable. They can bring you traffic but do not expect to make sales! At the same time the motion speaks for itself. However, a query such as "learn English quickly" is profitable. The person is in a hurry and will therefore be willing to pay, even expensive, if it finds a solution that can help solve the problem quickly.
To identify profitable keywords, follow these steps:
identify the 5 most searched keywords on a niche
create an Excel file and enter the keywords
go on the keyword generator of Google Adwords
Enter your keywords one by one
locate all the profitable keywords. These are keywords that can predict purchase intention. This word as: fast method, guide, training, courses, learning, system, plan, etc.
You may also notice unwanted keywords. These are queries that end with: free, cheap, downloading, streaming, etc. You can use these keywords to get traffic but they will not give you leads and no sales via the affiliate. If you choose, write articles on specific pages optimized for those keywords. On these pages, be sure to generate revenue immediately with the click advertising display. Do not rely on membership for these words.
3. Being able to create content on demand and mass
I always advise to outsource content writing because it takes too much time. That said, even if you outsource these tasks, there are niches where the content is limited. In other words, once you've written fifty articles, it becomes almost impossible to innovate without repeating yourself. It is therefore vital to choose niches for which it is possible to create mass content in various formats.
But how to know if a niche is limited in terms of content or not? There are different solutions to find out. First, the Keyword Generator Google gives you many clues. Indeed, if less than 50 words are displayed when you enter the main keyword, it's wrong party. Then enter your query in the search engine Google and Youtube. If you find that the topics are always the same and you're struggling to find content that stand out, it means that the niche is very limited in terms of content.
Finally, visit sites like Topsy Buzzsumo and then enter your keyword. These tools will see the items that got the most traffic and buzz in the month or year. You can quickly see if the contents are still the same.
The various content formats to create:
videos to the camcorder and screencasts
e-books in PDF format
audio book
4. Identify several affiliates that possess many products
Before you embark on creating your niche blog, make sure that there are several affiliates offering many products. In fact, if you can not find a single product, you will pass next to a large portion of your revenue. Some of your prospects will not be interested in a product or the layout of its sales page. But if you have identified several products, you multiply your chances of selling.
For example, on my niche to quit smoking, I promote over 15 products. Each has its own method which allows to increase conversions. Some methods use hypnosis, other electronic cigarettes, other patches, other meditation etc. Some people do not hear so hypnotic want to talk about if I am just promoting a product based on this, I will lose 80% of my sales. You get the idea?
How to find a number of products available in affiliation?
There are lots of ways but here are the ones I use in priority.
See you on affiliate networks like Clickbank 1TPE and then enter a keyword in the search field. Attention 1TPE, the platform contains many duplicate products which only the URL of the site changes.
Go to and enter your keyword + affiliate
Stay on Google, type in your keywords and see the sites that appear on the first page of Google. Visit each site and look at the menu and bottom of the page if there is an affiliate program.
5. Automate the creation of niche blogs
At this point you know how to create profitable niche blogs. Now is the time to automate the process to create a maximum of blogs to increase your income. The simplest method is to create procedures. Specifically, you must list all the necessary stages of research the niche to the monetization through the installation of the blog, the keyword research, writing articles etc.
For each task, you have to write a paper, a kind of specification that explains how. The goal is to create a very comprehensive document to outsource the work to an independent you find on sites like, etc.
Here's how:
list all the tasks necessary to create the blog
perform a detailed document that explains how to perform each task. Be as specific as possible and consider adding screenshots and videos.
looking for freelancers on sites like
negotiate prices based on the number of blog to create
I will have the opportunity to give you further advice on creating niche blogs in my future
What are the timeless niche blogs work best?
There are a lot but I have identified 12:
diet and weight loss
bodybuilding and fitness
meditation and relaxation
learning guitar
Learning foreign languages
how to have children
how to train his dog
how to improve memory
how to seduce women
how to save
guide to the real estate investments
And here are some niches that I do not recommend because they change too often
photoshop tutorial
Mac and Windows tutorial
all tutorials on social networks
all that is related to recent legislation (permits, smoke detector etc)
Do not go into a niche that can change overnight with the decision of a management or political committee.
2. Identify profitable keywords
This part seems simple but is nevertheless sloppy by most bloggers apprentices. Indeed, finding profitable keywords does not mean opting for the 4 or 5 most searched keywords in a niche. For example, if we take the learning of English industry, queries like "learn English for free" are not profitable. They can bring you traffic but do not expect to make sales! At the same time the motion speaks for itself. However, a query such as "learn English quickly" is profitable. The person is in a hurry and will therefore be willing to pay, even expensive, if it finds a solution that can help solve the problem quickly.
To identify profitable keywords, follow these steps:
identify the 5 most searched keywords on a niche
create an Excel file and enter the keywords
go on the keyword generator of Google Adwords
Enter your keywords one by one
locate all the profitable keywords. These are keywords that can predict purchase intention. This word as: fast method, guide, training, courses, learning, system, plan, etc.
You may also notice unwanted keywords. These are queries that end with: free, cheap, downloading, streaming, etc. You can use these keywords to get traffic but they will not give you leads and no sales via the affiliate. If you choose, write articles on specific pages optimized for those keywords. On these pages, be sure to generate revenue immediately with the click advertising display. Do not rely on membership for these words.
3. Being able to create content on demand and mass
I always advise to outsource content writing because it takes too much time. That said, even if you outsource these tasks, there are niches where the content is limited. In other words, once you've written fifty articles, it becomes almost impossible to innovate without repeating yourself. It is therefore vital to choose niches for which it is possible to create mass content in various formats.
But how to know if a niche is limited in terms of content or not? There are different solutions to find out. First, the Keyword Generator Google gives you many clues. Indeed, if less than 50 words are displayed when you enter the main keyword, it's wrong party. Then enter your query in the search engine Google and Youtube. If you find that the topics are always the same and you're struggling to find content that stand out, it means that the niche is very limited in terms of content.
Finally, visit sites like Topsy Buzzsumo and then enter your keyword. These tools will see the items that got the most traffic and buzz in the month or year. You can quickly see if the contents are still the same.
The various content formats to create:
videos to the camcorder and screencasts
e-books in PDF format
audio book
4. Identify several affiliates that possess many products
Before you embark on creating your niche blog, make sure that there are several affiliates offering many products. In fact, if you can not find a single product, you will pass next to a large portion of your revenue. Some of your prospects will not be interested in a product or the layout of its sales page. But if you have identified several products, you multiply your chances of selling.
For example, on my niche to quit smoking, I promote over 15 products. Each has its own method which allows to increase conversions. Some methods use hypnosis, other electronic cigarettes, other patches, other meditation etc. Some people do not hear so hypnotic want to talk about if I am just promoting a product based on this, I will lose 80% of my sales. You get the idea?
How to find a number of products available in affiliation?
There are lots of ways but here are the ones I use in priority.
See you on affiliate networks like Clickbank 1TPE and then enter a keyword in the search field. Attention 1TPE, the platform contains many duplicate products which only the URL of the site changes.
Go to and enter your keyword + affiliate
Stay on Google, type in your keywords and see the sites that appear on the first page of Google. Visit each site and look at the menu and bottom of the page if there is an affiliate program.
5. Automate the creation of niche blogs
At this point you know how to create profitable niche blogs. Now is the time to automate the process to create a maximum of blogs to increase your income. The simplest method is to create procedures. Specifically, you must list all the necessary stages of research the niche to the monetization through the installation of the blog, the keyword research, writing articles etc.
For each task, you have to write a paper, a kind of specification that explains how. The goal is to create a very comprehensive document to outsource the work to an independent you find on sites like, etc.
Here's how:
list all the tasks necessary to create the blog
perform a detailed document that explains how to perform each task. Be as specific as possible and consider adding screenshots and videos.
looking for freelancers on sites like
negotiate prices based on the number of blog to create
I will have the opportunity to give you further advice on creating niche blogs in my future