Become self-employed after spending several years in the same company is not always an easy decision. Drop all social benefits from its own account. This is a situation in which many people dare to venture, as your friend.
In life, sometimes you have to take big decisions, that concerning your friend belongs to this category. If work today means keeping the same job throughout our lives to enjoy the benefits, I find it a shame. If you do not like the work you do every day, I dare not even imagine what it will be like negative effect on your life and your health especially. It is sometimes better to drop some benefits for more out of life with his family, his wife, do not you think?
Self-employment does not mean living in poverty, on the contrary. There are several savings and benefits to take that direction. Whose flexibility, but also fuel savings, which are not insignificant today.
Self-employment does not mean living in poverty, on the contrary. There are several savings and benefits to take that direction. Whose flexibility, but also fuel savings, which are not insignificant today.