To start a micro-enterprise is one employing up to 10 people. It usually has an annual turnover or balance sheet total not exceeding two million dollars. In other words, the micro-enterprise is a highly simplified administration for individual entrepreneurs to operate with less artificial and difficulty.
To qualify for this ultrasimplifié regime, there are annual limits revenue to meet. Especially in 2013 and 2014, the ceiling for CA sales activities of goods is € 81,500 and € 32,600 for services.
Micro-busniess: is it for?
Many activities can not benefit from the scheme of micro-enterprise: nonprofit organizations, investigators and real estate agents, rental operations of equipment or consumer durables, unless they represent a secondary character, activities on financial exchanges (trading, currency ...). With a turnover with a ceiling set by the state, this diet is usually intended for employees who wish to create a secondary income and the activity in addition to their jobs.
Typically, micro-enterprise is a plan chosen by an entrepreneur who started his busniess on a trial basis, to see its long-term viability. Once the development and profitability of the busniess is possible, the contractor may change its status and open a limited liability company, an association or a SA ...
Namely ...
You should know that the overwhelming microenterprise is not a form of social enterprise, but rather a tax system.
A micro-enterprise is autoentreprise type a sole proprietorship or a limited liability company Unipersonnelle. But usually, it is a sole proprietorship. With a turnover capped, the leader is usually self-employed, except for certain statutes as EURL. By cons, it is adopted employee if the manager is a third person.
The steps to follow for creating a micro-busniess success
For the creation of a micro-busniess, here are some tips:
The desire to create is born of an idea and different needs, only, it is not enough to create a micro-enterprise. The idea is significantly an essential step because it allows you to set goals, products and services to offer customers. However, some steps are also very important:
1-Choose the activity we will do
This first step is often the one that slows the determination of some people with the dream of starting his own busniess. It is true, as many have desires to reach for without knowing the exercise activity is not very obvious, and not very promising ... to tell the truth, let's not tried to look far either it creates a traditional busniess, similar to those already or we draw on our capabilities and our passions to find an idea for a new busniess address does not exist yet.
2-Having the qualities of a good entrepreneur
To be a good manager and a good project leader must have a sense of responsibility, perseverance and optimism, tolerance for uncertainty, listening and learning, the sense of trade, management skills, imagination and daring.
3-Select the right people
To consider the success of your micro-busniess, it is better to work with people who are very experienced and competent.
4-Make the Study of Competition
This step is to study existing market offerings, this step is essential and greatly used to assess the viability of the project.
5-The financial analysis
In assessing the needs of capital over several years, financial analysis helps to assess the feasibility of the project.
6. Establish a busniess plan
This allows you to see exactly what all you do. This is a map that shows you the way to go.
7-Finding financing
For funding, it may be a personal contribution. In case of lack of budgets, there are solutions of zero-interest loans intended for entrepreneurs who wish to set up his account.
8-Find a local where you can conduct your busniess
The location is one of the most important criteria for the success through the door. To choose the right place, it is necessary to estimate the number of passers-by on the street day surveyed. It is also essential to learn about the profile of people in neighborhoods: social, provenance, age, job ... Also, it is more than important to know the number of companies around who have the same activity as you.
There are centers office rental month after month as busniess centers offered by Regus specially designed for nurseries and incubators of startups or corporate roommates, etc.
9-Make the statement of activity
After completing these three steps above, then it must make a declaration of the activity. For this, it is great to come to the center Formalities companies. Usually it is the chamber of commerce that support.
10-Do not forget to inquire about:
■ The location of your busniess: department and city
■ Your full identity: name, date of birth, number of the identity card ...
■ The type of activity you want to perform
11 Fill-mandatory documents
Necessary documents for registration to the Chamber of Commerce:
■ To send by mail commonly recommended and the essential documents are:
■ A statement from the spouse if the founder is already married. This document can be requested from the center of formality of Companies.
■ A certificate of residence. This is also to recover from the center of formality of Companies.
■ A copy of the property tax if you own the room, or a copy of receipt EDF if you are renting.
■ A duplex of your identity card or passport copy.
■ A copy of the family book.
■ A letter from you, stating they were not detained.
■ A check payable to the Registry of the Commercial Court. The exact amount is to ask your CFE.
12. Your registration with the Chamber of Commerce
It is best to register with the formality of the center nearest you Entreprises.
Hope these tips will give you a good starting point for creating your micro-busniess!
Research that led to find this article:
12 tips for the creation of \ a busniess, micro busniess idea, list of some profitable micro-busniess, micro busniess ideas in 2014, profitable micro-enterprise, micro busniess Tupe
How to find a great idea in 3 easy steps?
You may know how to find a great idea like: to create your busniess, improve your health or any other area of your life. Indeed, having a creative idea can help you achieve financial and professional success.
We may think it is difficult to do. But in reality, there are simple but effective techniques to find some great and creative ideas.
I invite you to discover in this article, 3 simple steps to find a genius idea.
Step 1: Focus on your area and exploit it to the maximum
Examine the area:
Studying in the smallest details the area in which you want to find a great idea, you increase your chances.
This is a very powerful technique: you lot are interested area in which you want to progress.
For example, if you want a story idea (to tell), you should familiarize yourself with the best stories of all time.
In short, you guessed it: get into the bath!
Be specific:
If you want to find a great idea, you have to be very specific. To find a solution, we must first have a clear idea of the problem.
Formulate the problem as a partial question, and write it on a sheet. Then, read it aloud. Remember again and again the "problem" until you find a solution.
If you do not know what you're looking for, you can not find something that will satisfy you.
Step 2: Use all situations and circumstances:
Draw ideas from all situations:
Yes it is interesting to look at its scope to find a good idea. But you do not have to limit yourself to situations that appear to be related to your problem.
Often you can find good ideas by exploiting some sources being neglected. Therefore, whatever you do or experience greatly open your eyes and your mind to receive some great new ideas.
For example, you can prepare for ideas, when:
■ you read something (even if the subject is not related to your field of action).
■ you talk with someone.
■ you follow the TV or video.
■ you see people do something.
In short, you can inspire you to (almost) all situations to find good ideas.
Always have what note:
To exploit all situations and come up with ideas, you will always carry a tool to capture your ideas.
Everywhere you go, have a tool (dictaphone, notepad, etc.) with you to record your ideas.
Personally, I have always in my pocket, a notepad and a pen. Thus, when an idea popped into my head, I note. After I transfer the idea into a special folder on my computer.
Go to the discovery of the world:
Trips can be good ways to find a great idea. If you are wondering how, here is the process:
When you visit a city or a foreign country, you will certainly encounter new things. You see several ideas (in terms of busniess or relationships) that are not yet operating in your country.
Yet they can be profitable or brilliant if you are running the right way at home.
So when you travel, be a great observer. Take notes on what people do. And ask yourself the following questions:
■ What are their ways of doing busniess?
■ How do they sell their products effectively?
■ How can I use this idea to me, taking into account the mentality, needs and behaviors of people in my area?
Step 3: Use appropriate tools and techniques for ideas:
Take the Brainstorming to find lots of ideas:
"To get an idea of genius, he must first find a lot of ideas. "
Brainstorming allows you to find lots of ideas and even good ideas. To do this, grab a pen and a sheet. Then, write to any new ideas that come to mind.
This may take some time. But if you do not censor yourself and unleash your imagination, you can find some very good ideas.
It's true, some of these ideas will be commonplace, some bad. But few of them will be good.
You can use specialized software to do brainstorming. Freemind is a free and complete software that allows you to brainstorm by creating mind maps.
Do not filter ideas that you find:
This is an important principle. Before, I was trying to filter my ideas. But I quickly realized that trying to filter, they decreased in quantity and quality.
An idea may seem trivial or easy at first. But over time, working on the idea, you can use it to do wonders. Now your task is to find the maximum possible ideas. You can filter later.
To conclude:
Now you have all of the tools necessary to find a genius idea. But what is important in my opinion, this is not the idea that you have. But rather, how you operate.
Because finding a great idea is useless if the idea is not (well) used.
Research that led to find this article:
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To qualify for this ultrasimplifié regime, there are annual limits revenue to meet. Especially in 2013 and 2014, the ceiling for CA sales activities of goods is € 81,500 and € 32,600 for services.
Micro-busniess: is it for?
Many activities can not benefit from the scheme of micro-enterprise: nonprofit organizations, investigators and real estate agents, rental operations of equipment or consumer durables, unless they represent a secondary character, activities on financial exchanges (trading, currency ...). With a turnover with a ceiling set by the state, this diet is usually intended for employees who wish to create a secondary income and the activity in addition to their jobs.
Typically, micro-enterprise is a plan chosen by an entrepreneur who started his busniess on a trial basis, to see its long-term viability. Once the development and profitability of the busniess is possible, the contractor may change its status and open a limited liability company, an association or a SA ...
Namely ...
You should know that the overwhelming microenterprise is not a form of social enterprise, but rather a tax system.
A micro-enterprise is autoentreprise type a sole proprietorship or a limited liability company Unipersonnelle. But usually, it is a sole proprietorship. With a turnover capped, the leader is usually self-employed, except for certain statutes as EURL. By cons, it is adopted employee if the manager is a third person.
The steps to follow for creating a micro-busniess success
For the creation of a micro-busniess, here are some tips:
The desire to create is born of an idea and different needs, only, it is not enough to create a micro-enterprise. The idea is significantly an essential step because it allows you to set goals, products and services to offer customers. However, some steps are also very important:
1-Choose the activity we will do
This first step is often the one that slows the determination of some people with the dream of starting his own busniess. It is true, as many have desires to reach for without knowing the exercise activity is not very obvious, and not very promising ... to tell the truth, let's not tried to look far either it creates a traditional busniess, similar to those already or we draw on our capabilities and our passions to find an idea for a new busniess address does not exist yet.
2-Having the qualities of a good entrepreneur
To be a good manager and a good project leader must have a sense of responsibility, perseverance and optimism, tolerance for uncertainty, listening and learning, the sense of trade, management skills, imagination and daring.
3-Select the right people
To consider the success of your micro-busniess, it is better to work with people who are very experienced and competent.
4-Make the Study of Competition
This step is to study existing market offerings, this step is essential and greatly used to assess the viability of the project.
5-The financial analysis
In assessing the needs of capital over several years, financial analysis helps to assess the feasibility of the project.
6. Establish a busniess plan
This allows you to see exactly what all you do. This is a map that shows you the way to go.
7-Finding financing
For funding, it may be a personal contribution. In case of lack of budgets, there are solutions of zero-interest loans intended for entrepreneurs who wish to set up his account.
8-Find a local where you can conduct your busniess
The location is one of the most important criteria for the success through the door. To choose the right place, it is necessary to estimate the number of passers-by on the street day surveyed. It is also essential to learn about the profile of people in neighborhoods: social, provenance, age, job ... Also, it is more than important to know the number of companies around who have the same activity as you.
There are centers office rental month after month as busniess centers offered by Regus specially designed for nurseries and incubators of startups or corporate roommates, etc.
9-Make the statement of activity
After completing these three steps above, then it must make a declaration of the activity. For this, it is great to come to the center Formalities companies. Usually it is the chamber of commerce that support.
10-Do not forget to inquire about:
■ The location of your busniess: department and city
■ Your full identity: name, date of birth, number of the identity card ...
■ The type of activity you want to perform
11 Fill-mandatory documents
Necessary documents for registration to the Chamber of Commerce:
■ To send by mail commonly recommended and the essential documents are:
■ A statement from the spouse if the founder is already married. This document can be requested from the center of formality of Companies.
■ A certificate of residence. This is also to recover from the center of formality of Companies.
■ A copy of the property tax if you own the room, or a copy of receipt EDF if you are renting.
■ A duplex of your identity card or passport copy.
■ A copy of the family book.
■ A letter from you, stating they were not detained.
■ A check payable to the Registry of the Commercial Court. The exact amount is to ask your CFE.
12. Your registration with the Chamber of Commerce
It is best to register with the formality of the center nearest you Entreprises.
Hope these tips will give you a good starting point for creating your micro-busniess!
Research that led to find this article:
12 tips for the creation of \ a busniess, micro busniess idea, list of some profitable micro-busniess, micro busniess ideas in 2014, profitable micro-enterprise, micro busniess Tupe
How to find a great idea in 3 easy steps?
You may know how to find a great idea like: to create your busniess, improve your health or any other area of your life. Indeed, having a creative idea can help you achieve financial and professional success.
We may think it is difficult to do. But in reality, there are simple but effective techniques to find some great and creative ideas.
I invite you to discover in this article, 3 simple steps to find a genius idea.
Step 1: Focus on your area and exploit it to the maximum
Examine the area:
Studying in the smallest details the area in which you want to find a great idea, you increase your chances.
This is a very powerful technique: you lot are interested area in which you want to progress.
For example, if you want a story idea (to tell), you should familiarize yourself with the best stories of all time.
In short, you guessed it: get into the bath!
Be specific:
If you want to find a great idea, you have to be very specific. To find a solution, we must first have a clear idea of the problem.
Formulate the problem as a partial question, and write it on a sheet. Then, read it aloud. Remember again and again the "problem" until you find a solution.
If you do not know what you're looking for, you can not find something that will satisfy you.
Step 2: Use all situations and circumstances:
Draw ideas from all situations:
Yes it is interesting to look at its scope to find a good idea. But you do not have to limit yourself to situations that appear to be related to your problem.
Often you can find good ideas by exploiting some sources being neglected. Therefore, whatever you do or experience greatly open your eyes and your mind to receive some great new ideas.
For example, you can prepare for ideas, when:
■ you read something (even if the subject is not related to your field of action).
■ you talk with someone.
■ you follow the TV or video.
■ you see people do something.
In short, you can inspire you to (almost) all situations to find good ideas.
Always have what note:
To exploit all situations and come up with ideas, you will always carry a tool to capture your ideas.
Everywhere you go, have a tool (dictaphone, notepad, etc.) with you to record your ideas.
Personally, I have always in my pocket, a notepad and a pen. Thus, when an idea popped into my head, I note. After I transfer the idea into a special folder on my computer.
Go to the discovery of the world:
Trips can be good ways to find a great idea. If you are wondering how, here is the process:
When you visit a city or a foreign country, you will certainly encounter new things. You see several ideas (in terms of busniess or relationships) that are not yet operating in your country.
Yet they can be profitable or brilliant if you are running the right way at home.
So when you travel, be a great observer. Take notes on what people do. And ask yourself the following questions:
■ What are their ways of doing busniess?
■ How do they sell their products effectively?
■ How can I use this idea to me, taking into account the mentality, needs and behaviors of people in my area?
Step 3: Use appropriate tools and techniques for ideas:
Take the Brainstorming to find lots of ideas:
"To get an idea of genius, he must first find a lot of ideas. "
Brainstorming allows you to find lots of ideas and even good ideas. To do this, grab a pen and a sheet. Then, write to any new ideas that come to mind.
This may take some time. But if you do not censor yourself and unleash your imagination, you can find some very good ideas.
It's true, some of these ideas will be commonplace, some bad. But few of them will be good.
You can use specialized software to do brainstorming. Freemind is a free and complete software that allows you to brainstorm by creating mind maps.
Do not filter ideas that you find:
This is an important principle. Before, I was trying to filter my ideas. But I quickly realized that trying to filter, they decreased in quantity and quality.
An idea may seem trivial or easy at first. But over time, working on the idea, you can use it to do wonders. Now your task is to find the maximum possible ideas. You can filter later.
To conclude:
Now you have all of the tools necessary to find a genius idea. But what is important in my opinion, this is not the idea that you have. But rather, how you operate.
Because finding a great idea is useless if the idea is not (well) used.
Research that led to find this article:
have an idea of genius, geniuses ideas, How to find a great idea in 3 simple steps ?, genius idea much more, the ideas of geniuses facebook, have ideas of genius, the genius of ideas are the simplest ideas genie for sale on the internet, a simple idea to a genie, C \ is what have idé engineering